Frequently Asked Questions

Towing Service Banja Luka 0-24h will be happy to share frequently asked questions with you and provide answers to them.

Questions with Answers

If one of the questions is not here and you think it is interesting, let us know, and we will post it.

What are the opening hours of the towing service?

It doesn’t matter if it’s day or night, weekday, weekend or public holiday! Our towing service works non-stop, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

Is the towing service more expensive on weekends and holidays?

The Towing Service charges its services according to the regular price list, and the prices are the same regardless of the time of day or night or what day of the year it is. We are proud to note that our way of doing business sets us apart from the competition.

Can your handyman unlock my car for me?

If your key was left in an automatically locked vehicle, our masters will unlock it for you. We can also make a spare one if you lose or damage your key.

Do I have to be with the vehicle to receive the towing service?

No! If you are physically in another place, with proof of ownership of the vehicle that you can send to us for review by phone, we will remove your vehicle from the road and take it for repair, secured parking or your address.

Can you transport my motorcycle?

Yes. Our vehicles in the towing service have all the necessary equipment for safely transporting your motorcycle. We carry out transportation for motorcycles, passenger vehicles, mini SUVs, off-road vehicles, and cargo vehicles that do not exceed a total weight of more than 5 tons.

Can you tow my vehicle if it is in a garage?

Yes. Our vehicles in the towing service have equipment for extraction and vehicle lifting.

Can the vehicle be transported in advance for a specific date?

Yes, it is enough to call 065/512-305 and make an appointment in advance that suits you for transporting your vehicle.

Can you transport the vehicle to or from abroad?

Yes, we transport vehicles to any destination, whether local, national or international.

They said about Us

Ihre Dienste sind ausgezeichnet. Sie haben mein kaputtes Auto von der Straße genommen und Ihre Werkstatt hat mein Auto repariert. Vielen Dank und viel Glück!

Johan H.

I am very grateful for your help in a truly unenviable situation. You transported the car to Belgrade before the children and I returned home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Danijela Ilić

It was indeed a pleasure doing business with you. You fixed my van on the spot and faster than my mechanic would have done. Thanks again, and all the best.

Željko Hlapec